The second engagement of our 21st Campaign is a little less than two weeks away! Our October 10th program will feature author and educator Steve French and his rendering of “The Kidnapping of the Generals.” This program will relate McNeill’s Rangers successful February 1865 capture of Generals Crook and Kelley from their Cumberland, Maryland hotel rooms and their escape into their mountain stronghold fifty miles away. While not as well known as Mosby’s Rangers, John Hanson McNeill and his band of irregulars caused the Union military (and the Baltimore Railroad) no small amount of fits. And, while the more illustrious Mosby had one captured general to his credit, “Hanse” McNeill would capture two! This will be an excellent presentation on a subject long overdue for some improved public relations that you won’t want to miss! Steve will have several of his books available for purchase, too.
Meal selections for September 12th program are posted on the web site (or you can contact Meal Captain Kathy Little by telephone; her contact info is in the newsletter and on the web site). Reservations are due by noon on Friday, October 6th!
You can download or read a copy of the October newsletter right here; just click on the “Newsletters” link at the top of the page. Also, if you have not already done so, download a 21st Campaign membership form. The membership fee for the coming campaign will remain at $25, and re-enlistment must be made no later than our October 10th program.
We look forward to seeing everyone on October 10th for “The Kidnapping of the Generals” featuring Steve French!