In the spring of 1865 following Appomattox and the Lincoln Assassination, the Civil War was not yet over. Yet following euphoria and shock, the tragic explosion and sinking of the “Sultana” on the Mississippi River near Memphis and resulting deaths of hundreds (including many former Union POWs) became little more than a footnote to the four-year national conflagration that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. That story, though, will be featured at the First Defenders Civil War Round Table program on Tuesday, March 12th, at the Inn at Reading.
Coming off the weather-forced cancellation of the February program, the First Defenders are eager to get back on track. Full program details are available by navigating to the “Events” page where you can also make your dinner reservation.
Also, the March newsletter can be found on the “Newsletters” page. This issue includes announcements about a couple of upcoming field trips that promise to be very exciting. Read all about them!
Don’t forget: your reservation for the March 12th program must be made no later than noon on Friday, March 8th, either on-line or by contacting Meal Captain Kathy Little directly.
See you on the 12th!