On the banks of the Monocacy River bear Frederick, Maryland, an often-overlooked engagement on a hot July 1864 day slowed a Confederate Army bearing down on Washington, D.C. But for that one-day delay, Abraham Lincoln may have been forced from his national capital in full view of the world and, more importantly, the American voters who would be casting ballots for president in just four short months. The First Defenders will hear about this important battle in the words of soldiers who were there during our next program on October 9th.
Our 22nd Campaign is off to a great start, and we look forward to seeing everyone in just two weeks. Read about the program under “Events,” and make your meal reservation today!
Also, don’t forget your re-enlistment for the coming campaign is due! A form can be downloaded from the “Newsletters” page, and you can also read or download our October newsletter.
The coming campaign promises to be another all-star event that you won’t want to miss. Re-enlist and make your October reservation today!