Posted By : admin
COVID-19 Sinks April Program

The raging impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in the need to CANCEL the April 14th First Defenders Civil War Round Table program.

Given the emphasis on avoiding group activities, the potential health effects on those over 61 or with existing medical conditions and the uncertainty of businesses even being able to operate, the Board of Directors agreed on the propriety of cancelling the April program.  The Inn at Reading was also supportive of this decision, and the Round Table will not be penalized in any fashion for this cancellation.

It is anticipated Phil Greenwalt’s program, “From Kirby’s Kingdom: Ramifications from the Trans-Mississippi in 1864,” that had been planned for April will be re-scheduled during our 24th Campaign in early 2021.

The COVID-19 impact on the campaign-ending event in May or the scheduled “Joe’s Jaunt” on May 16th is, as yet, unknown.  A decision on these events will be made on the basis of developments over the next several weeks.


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