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New Title to Pass Away the COVID Blues

The Paymaster

By Chuck Veit

If “sheltering in place” is developing into “stir crazy” for you, here’s something new to pique your historical interest: The Paymaster: Being the Wartime Exploits of John H. Stevenson of the US Navy. This is Veit’s sixth book of unique and original naval/nautical history. It’s now available on his website at: www.chuckveitbooks.com.  It can also be found at  www.lulu.com, and (soon) www.amazon.com as well.

Stevenson’s exploits are almost entirely unknown, but rival those of William Cushing (of Albemarle fame). His missions along the shores of the Rappahannock, Mississippi and James rivers saved countless lives and led to Union successes that would otherwise have been severe losses. Known as “The Daredevil of the Pay Corps,” Stevenson’s story makes for an exciting read!


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