It’s that time of the year again when the First Defenders will hold its annual “Evening with Ed” featuring the one and only Ed Bearss. On Tuesday April 10th the historian emeritus of the National Park Service will tell the story of the Battle of Shiloh, the battle that swept away any notion of a short war between North and South.
Meal selections are posted on-line under the “Events” tab, and the April newsletter can be viewed or downloaded from the “Newsletters” tab. The deadline for meal orders is noon on Friday, April 6th.
More than 100,000 American collided on the banks of the Tennessee River 156 years ago. By the end of the second day of battle on April 7th, more than 23,000 had become casualties. Confederate commander Albert Sidney Johnston lay dead, and Union general Ulysses S. Grant would be heavily criticized and pushed aside (temporarily) for being surprised and nearly pushed into the river. Years later, veterans would still claim they were “never worse-scared than at Shiloh.”
Join us on April 10th to hear from the “master” of this battle (and, for that matter, all of the other ones, too!) as we again gather for an “Evening with Ed” that you won’t want to miss!