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Upcoming Gregg Biography has a First Defenders Connection

Prolific Civil War author Edward Longacre’s soon-to-be-released biography, Unsung Hero of Gettysburg: the Story of Union General David McMurtrie Gregg, has some local Round Table “flavor” added as long-time Gregg student and First Defender Dave Fox has provided the author with the benefit of his wisdom on the subject.

Thanks to Dave, we already know that Gregg proved to be one of the most successful Civil War cavalry commanders.  He eschewed the flash and glory-hunting of the Stuart and Custer stripe, focusing on quiet competence without seeking personal recognition.

Gregg’s service record in the pre-war army and during the first two years of the Civil War show a solid officer and leader.  The highlight of his service most likely occurred during the afternoon of July 3, 1863, in the fields a few miles east of Gettysburg as his command, aided by Custer’s Michigan troopers, repulsed J.E.B Stuart’s cavalry that was looking to cut its way into the rear of the Union position on Cemetery Hill and Ridge.  While Longstreet’s Assault had already been defeated, there is no telling what might have happened if Gregg had not thwarted Stuart’s legions.

The Berks History Center is hoping to generate enough orders to have a supply of Longacre’s book made available locally following its May 1st release date.  The price is $34.95 before any applicable tax or shipping/handling.  If interested, reach out to First Defender Vicky Heffner ( to order your copy today!


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